Capturing the Tennessee River Gorge’s grandeur in a single photograph is not an easy undertaking. It’s one of those things you have to see with your own eyes, immerse within, or in our case, paddle though. Chattanooga photographer, Lawson Whittaker, has spent much of his professional life behind the lens exploring Chattanooga’s surrounding geography. I recently reached out to Lawson telling him I was in search of an image that truly represented the uniqueness of the gorge to use for the Chattajack website homepage. Fortunately he had already caught wind of the stoke behind the Chattajack race and the people who come to experience the gorge. To my great surprise he shared a couple stunning photographs with me including the one I’m sharing now. I immediately called him and went on and on for several minutes about everything I could possibly do in return in hopes of gaining his permission to use the image. When I finally shut up his response was something along the lines of, “How about just allowing me to hang out with you guys race day, share a couple beverages, and perhaps ride on a support boat to take pictures.” I was pretty much speechless and humbled. Thank you Lawson! Miles: 14,15,16,17 & 18 Visit Lawson’s site Here