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2014 Race Details


Your Bib contains your timing chip!!! Don’t forget it!!!

Chattajack will begin at 8AM with a water start from downtown Chattanooga (Surf Ski/OC-2 division will start 8:30AM) ending at Hales Bar Marina. A mandatory pre-race meeting will take place at Coolidge Park at 7:30AM on the lawn.


Chattajack is a WPA sanctioned event. For a complete listing of WPA rules visit:


Drafting is allowed only within class. It is each individual racer’s responsibility to ensure they are drafting within their class. Penalties for drafting out of class will be enforced.


Racers are required to carry US Coast Guard approved lifejackets. Without a lifejacket the USCG will make you exit the water. Racers are not required to wear, only have aboard vessel.


Racers are required to begin the race carrying their own water (3-4 liters is recommended). Most racers will consumer at least 6 liters before reaching the finish line. Support boats & aid stations will help resupply racers with water and/or Hammer Heed.

10-Mile Cut-off (Suck Creek Boat Ramp) – Racers are required to pass the Suck Creek boat ramp (mile 10 of course) before 2hours and 30minutes. A race marshal will be in the water to point racers to the ramp who have not met cut off. You will then be shuttled back to start or finish line, depending upon volunteer/race demands.


Racers are STRONGLY discouraged from using anything such as headphones that may prohibit them from communicating with support boats, hearing boat traffic, or possibly hearing a request from another racer. Using headphones jeopardizes your own safety, the safety of other racers, the future of the race, and the Tennessee River Gorge Trust supporting sporting endeavors in the Tennessee River Gorge.

Crossing Channel

Each racer is responsible for avoiding boat traffic when crossing the channel. Powerboats WILL be in the gorge the day of the paddle so avoid putting yourself at risk and paddle responsibly. Look both ways.

Gear Considerations

Strobe - Strobes are recommended because of the frequent presence of fog on October/November mornings. (Cool mornings combined with warm water temps)

Wind blocking garments - Garments are up to the racer. You very well may get wet at some point so consider something to block the wind to help keep your core temp warm.

Warm booties (SUPs) - Water temps will be in the low 70’s, your feet may get cold without an adequate bootie.

Bright Garments – Garments that are bright on the water will help powerboats see you and add to your safety. The 2014 Chattajack athletic garment is bright green and might be a good option for increased visibility.

GPS – Chattajack racers are advised to wear/carry a GPS device. This will help with your orientation, pace, and safety.

Phone – There is cell service in the majority of the gorge.

Leash – Leashes are advised but not required. Winds can pick up in the gorge at times to the point where if you fell, your board will drift with the wind faster than you can swim to catch it.


Pre-Race Check-In:

Packet pick-up and pre-race check-in will take place Friday evening at Outdoor Chattanooga (200 River St. Chattanooga, TN 37405) in Coolidge Park 5-8PM. Your packet will include your race Bib#. YOUR BIB CONTAINS YOUR TIMING CHIP SO DO NOT FORGET YOUR BIB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Board Storage

Board/Ski storage will be provided on a first come first serve bases. Please drop off only your board/ski and not gear (paddle/hydration units/food). Volunteers will be moving your board/ski to the Coolidge Park lawn the morning of the event. Due to limited space we do not have room for board bags. Boards will be stored resting on their rail. We will do everything we can to take good care of your board but cannot be responsible for damage. If you are super concerned about your board’s safety it would be best for you to deliver it to the lawn at Coolidge Park the morning of the race.

Saturday Morning Shuttle

Buses will be departing Hale’s Bar Marina (1265 Hales Bar Rd, Guild, TN 37340) Saturday morning departing at 6:30AM Eastern Standard Time sharp heading back to Coolidge Park. It will take approx. 30-45 minutes to drive from Chattanooga to Hales Bar Marina. If your board/ski wasn’t dropped off Friday evening you will need to go by Coolidge Park to drop off board BEFORE driving to catch Hales Bar Marina 6:30AM shuttle. Volunteers will be at Coolidge from 5AM on to watch your gear.

Racers may carry paddles and hydration units on the buses. Buses will arrive at Coolidge Park at approx. 7AM. If your board was stored the night before at Outdoor Chattanooga volunteers will probably have already carried it to the Coolidge Park lawn where pre-race meeting will take place at 7:30AM.

Course Details


Water Temp: Water temps will probably be in the low 70’s the day of the race.

Air Temp: Historical average air temperatures in late October are highs in the low 70’s and lows in the low 50’s.

Wind: As we near the event we will post predicted wind forecasts.

Current: The flow of the Tennessee River is measured in CFS (cubic feet per second). TVA releases the water into the gorge from Chickamauga Dam. They announce 3 days ahead of time what they anticipate the level will be. We will share the predicted information with Chattajack racers Thursday, Oct 24 when TVA posts the data. (

Chattajack Map

Laminated Chattajack maps will be provided to each racer. You are advised to carry this map with you during the race. It will assist you with orientation and pace.

Start Line

After the pre-race meeting athletes can make their way to the water. All racers will access the water via the same ramp beneath the Market Street Bridge so please have your gear in order to quickly enter. Once all racers are staged in the water a signal will sound to begin the race.

Finish Line

The Chattajack course ends at Hales Bar Marina. When you see the large brick building on the left side of the river paddle past it, turn 90 degrees to your left, look for the finish line near dock and spectators. The timekeeper may ask you to confirm your bib#, division, and name so please assist upon request.

Aid Stations

Mile 15/16 Pot Point House (Boat on River Right just past the Pot House

Mile 21 Raccoon Mountain (Dock on River Right – Long protruding dock with Chattajack banner)

Mile 27 (Boat on River left just before the final big left hand turn)

Aid stations will provide racers water and/or Hammer Heed along with Hammer Gels and Hammer Bars

Awards/After Party

The Chattajack award ceremony will take place in the Walker Pavilion in Coolidge Park. If you need help finding Walker Pavilion just go to Coolidge Park and find the carousel and you’ll be there. Doors to the pavilion will open at 6:30PM for folks who want to hang, check out pictures from the day, share their epic stories, etc. Podium ceremonies and Awards will begin 7-8PM/once division winners are all in attendance. Light snacks and beer will be provided but feel free to bring your own. Food truck will also be parked outside. (Same truck that was there last year that everyone loved.)

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