Working with J&J Rax over the past 2 years to enhance the Chattajack experience for racers has been an honor. The thought, time, craftsmanship, and sweat equity they instill into their race contributions would make Antonio Stradivari blush. Last year they offered to make some custom racks for podium finishers, little did we know they were including embedded finisher medal medallions into the wood, say what!. We asked them if they could help us come up with something to support boards at the Onit Pro booth and they created the nicest, sturdiest, stoutest board stands eva! Then stained em! Say What! Just wanted to give another shout out to these guys for all they do to elevate race weekend. We recently carried the J & J banner to the Middle Creek bluff overlooking the gorge for a photo. Hope everyone has a great weekend on the water! Train hard and maybe you’ll be heading home from CJ this year with your own J&J Stradivarius.